Navigating BlueMail

The Unified Inbox

Unified Inbox allows you to manage all your accounts from a single inbox. Colors designate each account so you can visually identify your accounts quickly.

The People View

The People View is a new and original way to view your Inbox and reduce its clutter.
It arranges your emails into three types:

  • People
  • Groups
  • Services

Tapping on one of the People will open a list of all your conversations with that person.

Tapping one of the groups will display all the Group’s email threads.

Opening a Service from the People view will open a list of all the emails you got from that Service.

The display is sorted based on the newest emails to the oldest.

Bottom Bar Icons











The Swipe Menu

Swiping the email right reveals two options: Done which allows you to mark an email as Done, and Snooze+ which allows you to select a deferring time from a menu.

Swiping the email left reveals three options: Mark Read Unread, Archive, and Delete.

You can Configure the Swipe Menus.

Navigating Between Folders

To view the folders for your current account, please tap the top-left corner and a panel with the folders list will be shown underneath the account’s name. You can also see the panel by swiping from the middle left edge of the screen.

We show folders created by your email provider first, followed by your custom folders. Simply swipe down to reveal the remainder of your folder list.

Folders created by your mail provider are called system folders. When using an IMAP account, these cannot be changed or deleted unless you do so with your provider. Here are some examples of system folders:

  • Inbox
  • Drafts
  • Sent
  • Trash
  • Spam
  • Outbox
  • Archive/All

All other folders are user created and can be renamed, deleted, copied, moved, or created.

Note: The Inbox folder is the only one that syncs regularly, the other folders sync the instant you open them.

Refreshing the Mail List

To refresh the Mail List, pull the screen down (swipe your finger from the top of the screen downwards).